Tuesday, 15 April 2014

2012 Rolling the flax field chanting video

Beatrice took this video of Jonathon, Kief and me(barb) pulling the roller over the field to press the flax seeds into the soil. The field was so lumpy and my foot hurt so much I had a tough time trying to keep up with those young fellows, but I wanted a turn just to say I did it. Beatrice did a much better job but she needed a break. It was so hot that day and at first I couldn't hear the words Jonathon was chanting. When I finally figured it out I took them some water. The usual team was Ken, Kief, Beatrice and Jonathon. They were so hot, tired, and had blistered feet and it was the hottest day of the year so far - it was the long weekend in May 2012
